Texas NORML Legislative Update
May 14, 2015SB 339 CBD Only Bill Signed By Governor
June 1, 2015Very soon, the Texas House of Representatives will consider SB 339, a bill intended to allow qualifying patients with intractable seizures to access medical cannabis high in CBD and very low in THC. Unfortunately, SB 339 falls short of its intended goal and would not help Texans unless it is amended. Call your representative to ask him or her to support amending SB 339 so that seriously ill patients can get relief! Learn more about it on this event page.

As the bill stands now, it is not workable for Texas patients. It needs to be amended so that it does not require doctors to violate federal law by“prescribing” marijuana. Instead, their role should be limited to conduct protected by the First Amendment — “recommending” cannabis. This simple change can make the difference between a symbolic but ineffective law and one that would actually help Texans get relief from serious seizure conditions.The bill should also be improved by amending it to expand the list of qualifying medical conditions and to allow patients to use strains that work best for them.Make a quick call to your representative to ask him or her to support amending SB 339 to make it workable for Texas patients.
You can read about Texas NORML’s official stance on CBD Only Legislation here. We hope that through these amendments, at least some patients will find relief and that we will have a better groundwork to implement whole plant cannabis program next session,
Thank you for taking ACTION!
We will continue to build the path to a Texas without Cannabis Prohibition. Please donate to our efforts here. Participate in our Lobby Campaign here.
Your Texas NORML Team